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ICRC Constitution
The Intercollege Relations Commission is a unit of the Washington Council for High School-College Relations. The Commission was formed in 1970 as a successor to the Commission on College and University Relations.
The name of this unit shall be the Intercollege Relations Commission.
The purpose of this Commission shall be:
- To implement and improve communication and liaison among public and private colleges and universities in the State of Washington.
- To study, evaluate, and develop the solution of transfer problems which occur between educational institutions.
- To consider and promote activities of general concern to these institutions.
The membership of this Commission shall be composed of the following:
- One representative from each accredited public and private institution of higher education in the State of Washington appointed by the president of each institution. (Accredited shall mean accredited as per the description of Article III of the WCHSCR constitution.)
- Two Washington high school principals to be appointed by the chairperson of the Washington Association of Secondary School Principals.
- One representative from the professional staff of the higher Education Coordinating Board of the State of Washington (or its successor).
- One representative from the professional staff of the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges.
- The chairperson of the WCHSCR as an ex officio member.
- One representative from each of the Washington public vocational technical institutes accredited by the State Board of Education and/or the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.
- Section 1.
The officers of the commissions shall be a chairperson, a vice-chairperson, and a secretary who shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present at the meeting designated for such elections. Duties of the officers shall be those customarily assigned to such officers. The term of office shall be one year. - Section 2.
Elections shall take place at the last meeting called during each school year. - Section 3.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the chairperson, the vice-chairperson, the secretary, the past chairperson, and a member-at-large elected by the Commission. - Section 4.
The officers shall be elected so as to provide the Commission with a continuity of leadership. The vice-chairperson shall be considered as chairperson-elect, succeeding the chairperson following the incumbent’s term of office. Careful consideration should be given to rotating the office of chair between community college and baccalaureate institution representatives.
The Commission shall hold meetings as deemed necessary by the chairperson and/or the membership.
- Section 1.
A standing committee of this Commission shall be the Ongoing Articulation Review Committee. It shall be chaired by the member-at-large of the Executive Committee and shall consist of six additional members, divided between community college and baccalaureate representatives. Members shall be appointed by the Chair of the Commission and shall serve staggered terms of no more than three years. - Section 2.
Ad Hoc committees shall be appointed as needed by the Commission Chairperson.
Last updated: September 7, 2006